Life FM has been trying to get off the ground for years in Kapiti. Total cost: $44,000 to get it up and running. A lot had come in but they were still $13,000 short. We took up an offering for Life FM and were amazed at the generous hearts of the Meadows family, when the grand total came in at a massive $16,000!!!Life FM Kapiti came on air within the week, and John Fabrin, CEO of Rhema Broadcasting Group flew down to thank the church in person and accept the cheque. The morning crew visited Tues 8 Jan where they broadcast live to promote Life FM Kapiti (96.7FM) outside Pak n Save. Although it was raining, we had a good turn-out, with our youth providing a free sausage sizzle to anyone and everyone.It is so exciting to know that anyone can now turn on their radio from Pukerua Bay to Foxton and hear Christian music and values 24/7!